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Dr. Sushma Appaiah
CEO and Founder Giggles of Livez (Golz)
Nutrition Councellor
#1286,15 A cross, Roopanagar, Mysuru, Karnataka
Ph. 9342674406/9342674403
Founder and CEO of nutrition councelling firm Giggles of Livez (Golz) at Roopanagar, Mysore (2015) to reach out scientific knowledge to people to help manage good health through right nutrition both as prevention and management. Recently added one more branch at Bogadi, Mysore.
Providing diet and Nutrition solutions to manage diabetes, thyroid issues, weight management, PCOS problems. Nutrition for autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy management is our specialization
Educational Qualification
Ph.D. (Food Science & Technology) Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, Karnataka, India
M. Sc. (Food & Nutrition) Second rank, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Training Contributions;
- All India coordinator for B.SC, Food Technology (E module) EMMRC, UGC approved under graduate program under Ministry of Human Resource Development. New Delhi
- Board of studies member for B-Voc Healthcare technology and Community healthcare Program, St Philomena’s College (autonomous), University of Mysore, Mysore
- Examiner and developed CBSE Nutrition syllabus, DMS school, Mysore for 10th and PU students, Mysore.
- Invited faculty at Post graduate department, Food and Nutrition for the special paper on Food safety and Food laws
- Recognised Examiner for post graduate courses on Food Science and Nutrition, Food safety and standards.
- Invited speaker on nutrition and mental health at 6th International conference on nutritional and environmental medicine (NEMCOM), May 2016, Kochi, Kerala, India.
- Invited Resource person to conduct day workshop for parents and professionals of specially abled children at All India Institute of speech and hearing (AIISH) Mysore (Annual ongoing program till date)
- Invited speaker on National Science Day –Science and technology for specially abled person at Vignyan Bhavan., University Of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore feb 28th, 2017.
- Invited speaker for International Women’s day at Bioclinica, Mysore for women employees on 10th March, 2017 and 2018 march 8th.
- Invited speaker for International Women’s day at Bioclinica, Mysore for women employees on 10th March, 2017 and 2018 march 8th.
- Invited Speaker at NCED International conference on sustainable practices for inclusion of children at Lucknow,21-23 feb/2018 by national convention of the educators of deaf, India.
Nutritional Councelling and Ongoing Projects/Contracts by Giggles of Livez (Golz)
Nutrition Councelling and assessment program for the specially abled inmates of SWASTHA, Tata Coffee, Polibetta and Shunticoppa, Kodagu, Karnataka.
Corporate Councelling and on site seminars for GMR, GVK, energy plants, Kakinada and Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, Lions and Mahila Samaj members, Napoklu, Kodagu
B. Voc healthcare technology and Community healthcare Nutrition module design and deliverance, for B.voc skill development and community healthcare undergraduate students at St. Philomena’s (Autonomous) college. University of Mysore, Mysore.
Nutrition modules for specific health requirements for training the trainer.
Continuous Nutrition workshop for the parents of specially abled children in association with All India Institute of Speech & Hearing,(AIISH),Mysore, since 2012 till date.
Food safety and consumer awareness program in association with educational institutions for the public.
As Nutrition Councellor:
- Founder and CEO Giggles of Livez, (GOLZ) a scientific company dedicated to reach scientific knowledge and research to common man. The Golz empower and educates population to help them manage lifestyle disorders, maintain good health and to bridge the gap between industry and Educational Institutions.
- As a qualified Food Scientist and Nutritionist, counseling and guiding Corporate, Executives and their employees on regular basis, since eight years.
- Customizing and fulfilling Nutrition requirements as per their work profile, Food preferences and their health indices.
- Customizing nutrition and diet for children with special need for various institutions.
- Based on BMI, Energy intake and Prevailing disease as per health records, one to one counseling and management through dietary and lifestyle modification at Giggles of livez, Roopanagar, Mysore
- Customized workshop for educational institutions on nutrition and health for various educational Institutions and corporates to create awareness on eat right.
Research Contribution:
- DST National Women Scientist Awardee for All India National Project entitled “Bioprospecting of lesser known plants for polysaccharide in Western ghats” .from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi.
- Post Doctoral National Project entitled “Interaction studies between fermented Indian Dairy Products and lesser known indigenous polysaccharide with a view to its potential commercial use” by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India, New Delhi.
- Studies on diet in relation to present usage and its role in coronary heart disease and hypertension ,project assistant, Haryana Agricultural University (HAU), Hissar, Haryana, India
Students Guided for Post graduate/M.phil Research:
- M Sc Dissertations – 10 students
- M Phil – 2 students
Special recognition for Innovative food formulations, under the category of Agri, food & nutrition at Invited exhibits for start ups by IKMC 2018,Innovative ecosystems,Oct,28-29 at HICC, Hyderabad, India.
- Second prize in Development of Innovative foods at the International Conference of Food Scientist & Technologist 2008
- DST-Women Scientist, Bioprospecting of lesser known plants for polysaccharide in Western Ghats.2003
- Best Presentation Award, Association of Microbiologist, India, Mangalore 2003
- Second Rank in M Sc. (Manjula Suma prize).University of Mysore 1990.
- Best Presentation Award, Association of Food Science and Technologist, CFTRI, 1989
- Merit Scholarship throughout graduation, Haryana Agricultural
Paper presentations at National and International Conference/Seminars:
More than 20 papers (Oral & Poster)
Has more than 15 scientific papers in Indian and International Journals and popular articles in newspapers and magazines
Professional affiliation
Past Joint secretary: (2015-2018)
Indian Dietetic Association(IDA) – Mysore chapter
Convenor: (2019-2021)
Indian Dietetic Association(IDA) – Mysore chapter
Life member:
Nutrition Society of India
Indian Dietetic Association
Association of Food Scientists & Technologists
Indian Nutritional Medical Association
Indian dietetic Association, Mysore chapter