Each day always brings new thoughts, and new targets along with many challenges. However, The January month, or rather from 3rd week of December onwards, is a unique phenomenon that connects people globally. Most of us start giving extra focus on their overall health/ fitness goals/ health mantra and various milestones and achievements.
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We at Golz Nutrition and Diet Solutions too face various new challenges as well as immense pleasure and satisfaction, when we look back. The shift of a large population towards actual food as daily medicine is most welcoming. This shift now with the general population on customized daily diet plans to overcome and manage various health issues is highly appreciable. Overall, our members and clientele across the globe and pan India look forward eagerly to updated diet plans, as they experience and see changes on the successful implementation of our diet solutions.
Our journey as team Golz as well as my personal counselling sessions are made more fulfilling by each and every clientele who believed in us or got connected with us. At the dusk of 2023 and the dawn of the year 2024 we are glad and contented with every smile and joy of our members as they achieve their targets, better fitness, and become disease-free.
Every day brings us challenges to convert the most recent research on the plate of each member with our diet solution. Last year we had a large number of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)especially among sixty-plus populations. We are quite happy to help most of them overcome their IBS challenges with our viable probiotic food platter. I am thankful to Monash University, Australia for the great learning and for helping me solve challenging issues. The other most disturbing aspect was having more than 40% of patients who got identified for the first time as prediabetic or diabetic, mostly comprised of young adults. Definitely, it makes us think how to connect with our youth more regularly to help them more conscious on right food choices with a good lifestyle for upkeeping mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The health of every youth is the success of our nation.
The most important goal as a nutrition counselor, I would like to share should be to just stay in your present moment. Its vital to enjoy your professional life and equally ensure functionally interactive mindful time with your family members. Its my blessing and proud moment to share with you all one of my esteemed member’s thoughts on his experience in overcoming IBS with our therapeutic food solution.
We are grateful to all our members who shared their reviews on us.
It’s the most precious New Year gift to me and Team Golz.
Keep following to hear from us on our upcoming food formulations very soon via Salutary Nutrifoods-an offshoot of Golz Nutrition & Diet Solutions.